Pageants & Talent Show

Miss Pre-Teen Pageant
Girls ages 8-12 can showcase their talents and personalities at the Miss Pre-Teen Pageant at the Daviess County Lions Club Fair. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to gain confidence, make new friends, and have fun!

Miss Teen Pageant
Miss Teen Pageant at the Daviess County Lions Club Fair is for young ladies ages 13-15 who can showcase their talents, personalities, and poise. Don’t miss your chance to boost your confidence, make new connections, and have a blast!

Miss Daviess County Pageant
Young women ages 16-21 can participate in the Miss Daviess County Pageant. The Miss Daviess County Pageant is crowned as a representative for the Miss Kentucky County Fair Pageant. Our Queen will receive a beautiful crown, sash, and a CASH PRIZE!

Ms. Daviess County Pageant
The Ms. Daviess County Pageant is open to women 21+ to present their talents, personalities, and poise. Don’t miss this opportunity to gain confidence, make new friends, and have fun. Apply through the button below.

Baby & Toddler Pageant
The Daviess County Lions Club Fair takes pride in putting on one of the best fair pageants in the state of Kentucky. Babys and Toddles of a range of ages can participate in the Baby & Toddler Contests. There are 1st, 2nd, and 3rd places in each age group.

Little Miss & Mister Pageant
Little Miss & Mister Pageant is for contestants that want to compete as a couple. Constants must be five years of age and no older than eight years of age. Winners of the Daviess County Little Miss & Mister Pageant will go on to compete at the Kentucky State Fair!

Open Talent Show
Showcasing Daviess County’s best amateur talent on the stage!
The Daviess County Lions Club Fair is proud to announce the return of the Open Talent Show! Mark your calendars and stay tuned for updates on the date and time of the event. Whether you’re a musician, comedian, magician, or any other type of performer, we encourage you to participate in this exciting opportunity. By clicking the link below, you can download and print the application and submit your talents today! We can’t wait to see what Daviess County has to offer!